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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Life update ...

Okay enough about the economy already, it’s all doom and gloom anyway. Classes have resumed and those who told me suffering through two sessions of C++ would one day benefit me, well they were right. I guess there’s a first for everything. I’m taking Java I currently and so far I have to say that it’s pretty simple. I stress the SO FAR part of that statement mind you because I see what is around the corner and cannot guarantee it will remain simple for long. The prof is easy to work with and so far has not docked me any points, yes that means as of the end of week one I currently have a 4.0 in a programming class, but there is still two assignments he hasn’t graded yet so it may not hold up past Monday. The assignments have been easy so far because the concepts are the same in Java as they were in Visual Basic and C++, just a little different syntax. Quite honestly I would have to also agree that Java is easier to learn because the methods, classes, and operators (sorry had to get technical for a sec) are named logically and simply by looking at the command System.out.println(“Hello”); I can figure out that the result should be the word Hello printed to the screen, C++ is no where near that obvious.

Okay done with the technical stuff … on to other things in life

Summer has faded into Fall and wish as I might it looks like Winter will be here sooner than I am prepared for. I have permission from Mom and Dad to store the bike in the barn for the winter and I will be taking it up there the end of October … but I have to ride it up there. It just might be my first ride with long underwear and snow pants! Jen and I are suppose to go on a ride with Dykes on Bikes on Oct 11 but if it’s cold I think we may just skip that little party, or show up in the heated Mazda. I’m not ready to be cold and miserable for six months yet damn it. Summer was cold and rainy most of the time, fall just took another 20 degrees of the temps and in a very short time, I will be looking at leafless trees and mud everywhere. If the snow would just come and stay till March I would be okay, it’s just that brown grass, brown trees, brown mud part of winter that I can’t stand.

No word from Jack yet, he’s either not back yet, on another Eagle Village trip, or having more difficulty with is e-mail application. Some people just aren’t cut out for technology I suppose.

Day 1, Try 3

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Hey sister! In no way related to today's post: Hey, lookie:

    McCain Pulls Out of Michigan, says the New York Times.

    I have to pass this on to poor Vikki at Up Popped a Fox, since as a fellow Obama supporter & denizen of the Great Upper Midwest, she was distressing over the whole shebang.

    What a difference a few weeks of national-global economic debacle makes. By the way, love your post titles (thinkin' Monday) and photos (thinkin' Tuesday) this week. I'm oiling up the dry wood on my deck chairs even now.
