Way back in the early years of this millennium, when blogging was new to the internet scene, I happened upon a startup site under the name of blogger.com. I had heard of blogging and e-journaling as it was then often referred to, but had not yet read much about it. Whilst surfing along on the blogger.com site I figured it might be useful for something and clicked on the little flashing button titled “Start blogging today!” Within minutes, I created my blogger.com account, picked a template, and wrote my first “test” post. It was neat to see how easily I could write down some random thoughts and see them on the internet for the world to review, and at the same time a little scary that it was so easy. I grew up writing in paper journals, attempted to create a searchable electronic one in the late 90’s, and figured that a blog was the answer I had been looking for.
The silent years:
As you may have figured out, this blog went silent for a lengthy period of time, a little over two years all total, and it was mostly due to lack of time and effort. I began this as a journal that happened to be available on-line. As a newB blogger it never occurred to me that if I could see its postings over the internet without having to log in, so could anyone else if they knew how to find it. As Google spread its wings and transformed itself from a simple startup search company to the internet juggernaut it is today, it made little things like obscure blogs available in search results. The result of this made it far too easy for those pesky ghosts to track me down and I learned a hard lesson in writing posts containing names that others might search for, and I returned to the old paper and pen method of writing for a bit.
The great return:

This blog began again in earnest a little over a year and a half ago and with it came many new rules for posts. No longer it this simply just an electronic journal where I spend a little time as needed blowing off steam in my keyboard about whatever is on my mind that day. Instead, it has become a more general recap of events both in the world and in my life. Some if its contents are current events, and my reactions to them but most are simply general re-telling of events in my life with details left in the gray area for the safety of those involved. You will see photos, movies, song lyrics, and the occasional pilfered web graphic or cartoon. These are interspersed among the politically charged posts, links to news stories about current events that affect my life, and a few self-created graphics that illustrate the point far better than words can some times. However, mostly what you will find in the pages of this blog are original poetry, short stories, prose, pieces of my “writing projects”, and posts that inform those who care but can not talk to me daily about the happenings in my life; those are the core readers of this blog to date anyway. It is those who I have lost touch with but still e-mail on occasion, those who I have never seen in person but have been chatting or e-mailing back and forth with for years, and those who knew me once upon a time, found me on the internet, and keep up with my life’s journey through the posts on this blog. To the rest of you, may you feel inspired enough to post a comment or two and be added to the growing list of people I have contact with only through the internet but still call friends, you're welcome here as well. And, you are welcome to post comments and/or questions to any posts you like.
The author of said blog:
I was born and raised in a small town in the north half of Michigan’s lower peninsula, yes Michigan has two of them and I am a Troll (one who lives below Da’ Big Bridge) not a Yooper (one who lives above Da’ Big Bridge). Post high school I left Small Town America for the southern region of the state and a more densly populated area where I could blend into the main stream a little better. I began my adult life planning to obtain a degree in Psychology and become a teen crisis counselor but college creates bills rather than paying them and when a job doing tech support for computers fell into my lap, I jumped a the chance. I quickly realized that working full time while attending college full time was a bad idea and that technology was where the money was at, so I changed schools and my major to Computer Networking. Years later, I have worked my way up the ranks from lowly help desk operator to a position with a subsidiary of Masco (a fortune 250 company in the building industry) as a Network Admin. Since I have now reached the top rung of that ladder before making the leap into management, I have once again found myself in college, this time for a bachelor degree in Web Development to go along with those two Networking Technology degrees. My goal, to one day leave the world of corporate America behind in favor of a stay-at-home gig designing, building, and maintaining web sites and pages.
On the personal side, I have a partner who has been at my side since 1995, a cat, and we are hoping to one day have a child. When that day arrives, this blog may

- Just to be sure we’re all on the same page -
A Few Definitions
Dyke - A person, in general born of the female version but not always, who looks and acts masculine. They tend to be outspoken and often dominant, protective of those they care about, and are always firm in their beliefs and convictions, occasionally to their own demise. They are handy to have around when the house needs a minor repair, the car needs brakes, or there is some heavy lifting to be done someplace. They are easily spotted with their short hair, jeans, and tennis shoes or boots often in the vicinity of a motorcycle or a home improvement store.
Fem – The total opposite of Dyke!
Fem-Dyke –A healthy blend of both Dyke and Fem. They tend to be a little more of a girlie-girl willing to dress up and wear makeup, but also have a strong mind and spirit. They can be both dominating and submissive depending on the situation. They are willing to get dirt under the fingernails so long as they are close to a shower with hot running water and can get clean at the end of the day.
Extendo-Family – In the LGBT Universe, we tend to be outcasts in our biological and/or legal families when we come out and as a result our families include many to whom we have no legal or biological relationship with. This may include friends, family, and In-LawZ (see below)
In-LawZ – The legal and/or biological family belonging to a partner
LesbianDad – a lesbian or genderqueer parent who feels that traditionally female titles (i.e., “mother”) don’t quite fit, and who is willing to appropriate and redefine existing male ones (i.e., “father”). Often she’s a non-biological parent in a lesbian family, whose role relative to the child in many ways resembles that of fathers. -Both a definition and a term I have pilfered from the wonderful writer over at LesbianDad.net
Religion – The act of practicing one’s faith. Not to be confused with faith
Example: Catholic, Methodist, Church of Scientology
Faith – one’s personal belief in, or lack their of, a higher power/God/Goddess/Etc. Example: Christian, Agnostic, Wicca