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Monday, September 22, 2008

The First day of Fall ... :-(

Another successful quiet weekend at home, the last "freedom from homework" weekend I will have until December 17! That's right ladies and gents, classes for Fall quarter resume this Thursday and while the number of classes is light, there's no telling how the actual homework load will be. I am taking the last of my programming languages this fall and after the bear that was C++, I was intelligent to take Java I and II in back to back sessions this fall and only one at a time. I made the mistake of taking multiple programming languages together in past quarters, and had the misfortune of taking C++ and Adv C++ almost three months apart. I forgot much of what was covered in the first class and felt like I was struggling to catch up the whole time during that last 6 weeks of Hell in Adv. C++. So ... this time it is Java I starting 9/25 and Java II starting 11/6, the day after Java I ends.

With school on the horizon, I have been much more conscious of spending time with Jen now, as I cannot predict how much time I will have to spend with her in the coming weeks. It is my hope that, much like C++, I will be able to get homework done during down times at work and still be available to crawl into bed at a decent time with her every night. This will be essential during the first week of October (hint hint)! I know she is concerned that with me back in school, our relationship will once again suffer from my homework load, and I can't honestly blame her for the most part. However, I am optimistic that the homework load will be manageable and I will only be required to stay up past her bedtime one or two nights a week. What I'm not certain she understands is that last fall, I spent much of those late nights writing, not doing homework. I have tried to explain this, and I think she has listened, but all she remembers is that I never seemed to crawl into bed before midnight from early September until sometime in November, except when I was sick. In fact, part of why I got so sick last fall with bronchitis was due to all those late nights spent writing, doing homework, and wondering how we would make it work with just one income. This year will be different!

Writing will be minimal this fall since the book is near complete (still tweaking the ending a bit after some added chapters and reviews from both Jen and Jack) and I have found I write better at work than at home. I spend my lunchtime, and any other downtime I can manage, working on the last remaining tweaks rather that staying up all night tapping the keyboard at home. I have turned in the submission packet to Bella Books and am awaiting their decision about reviewing the full manuscript. I have heard from the editor who took time out of her busy schedule to tell me it looks interesting but that they are so backed up with submissions that they may need to extend their standard 30-day response window to 60 at a minimum. I take that as a good sign, for now at least. While I do have ideas for my next project, in fact a portion of it has already been posted on this blog titled The Dream, I do not intend to stay up nights working on it when I could be cuddled up next to Jen instead. I guess my priorities have been adjusted over the last year.

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