So you are going on vacation and require a domestic flight to get to your final destination. No problem, right? You pack as little as possible to avoid the costly "extra baggage" charges by the airline and put all your liquid contents into one of those handy little quart sized bags as required. You arrive at the airport within the obligatory "2-3 hour prior to flight departure" time frame and step up to a kiosk to print out your boarding pass. All's well so far as you join the line for baggage screening, the next stop on your tour of the local airport.
After finally making it to the front of the line you stand with your toes safely behind the red tape line on the floor as you watch security x-ray your bags. You answer all their intrusive questions about their contents telling yourself "they're just doing their job" and trying not to get irritated as they screen them for the fifth time. Finally your bags have been cleared and you are ready to move onto the next line for security clearance to the terminal area, or so you thought.
"I wonder what that is" you think to yourself as you watch them slap a little black band around the handle of each bag before sending it through to the baggage handling area. That's when you notice the TSA agent is now walking toward you with what appears to be a bracelet requesting your "left arm please." Without even thinking you stretch out your arm exposing your wrist and within seconds you are now wearing a black plastic bracelet with little green and red lights on it's face. While you take a second to admire your new jewelry you hear a gruff "Move along" from the TSA agent and begin to follow the trail to your next stop on this fabulous tour. You have just been tagged!
While you wait in line to make the final security clearance to the terminal area, you are greeted by an informational video explaining all the great ways that the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, and other law enforcement agencies are improving your flight experience and safety. They explain that the little bracelet you now have adorning your left wrist is part tracking device, part informational device, and part security device. They explain that before it was placed on your wrist, it was scanned by the TSA agent screening your bags and loaded with all your personal information. It now contains simple things like name, address, social security number, drivers license number, passport information, and your flight information. An accompanying tag was also placed on each of your bags and "linked" to the bracelet on your wrist. This is for your safety of course. It will allow the TSA to identify you in the event of a tragic event and to ensure that your bags are kept track of along their journey to that final vacation spot you are currently daydreaming about. However, there is one more thing they didn't fully explain in that little informational video. They allude to it by telling you that in the event of a security situation that wonderful little device inside your new bracelet could be used to subdue a threat.
What exactly does that mean, to subdue a threat? Well, the main component of that bracelet is actually an EMD (Electro-Musclar Disruption) device and works sort of like a stun gun. Suddenly that wonderful little thing you had forced around your wrist back in baggage scanning is a little scary. with the use of a radio signal, your bracelet, and all those on your fellow passengers as well, can be used to completely immobilize your body for minutes at a time. Not only does its RFID chip hold your personal data, its GPS device track your every move throughout the airport, and quite possibly be used to allow or deny access to the gate at which your plane is departing from (think Walmart security scanner), but it can also be used to immobilize every muscle in your body at the push of a button. Still sound like a neat idea that will make flying safer?
So it this fiction or the real deal? Here's a link to the Washington times article that sent me off on an investigation about the DHS plan to implement these.
It certainly looks official, even has links to official DHS documents requesting further information and expressing high interest in implementing this technology for law enforcement, border security, and domestic flight possibilities. George Orwell would be proud! I always liked the book 1984, just never thought I would actually live it's plot line!
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