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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ahh the Dyke Spike

Much to the chagrin of my dear wife, I have once again earned my gay card with a shorter-than-normal haircut. It’s summer, it’s hot at least some of the time, and I wear a motorcycle helmet a lot so there are some benefits to short (and a little spiky) hair. Jen loves the short hair on the back of my head, it’s soft and she plays with it often, but when the top gets cut to just under 2 inches long, she gets testy. Her complaint is not that it looks bad, though it definitely qualifies for the “uber dyke spike” style but rather, that she can’t twirl it around her fingers. I must admit I like it when she does that and during the winter months I keep it a lot longer on top partly for that reason, that and my head gets cold under the snowboard helmet when it’s this short. However, in an effort to manage the helmet hair problem without putting on a hot do-rag, this haircut went a little shorter than normal and has definitely earned me at least a hundred Dyke Points. I’m saving up for that Dykes On bikes patch to go on my leather jacket

Now for the photos!

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