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Friday, November 30, 2007

Writers block ... I guess I was due eventually

I don't care if I go crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 SWITCH!
Crazy go I if care don't I 6 5 4 3 2 1 SWITCH! ... ... ...
... ... ... Repeat indefinitely

Okay now that I have that out of my head maybe I can write once again.

I'm working on the letter to Mom and Dad that will accompany Unconditional... when I deliver it in a few weeks ... I'm stuck! I wrote an entire short novel, countless lengthy letters back and forth to friends, and BS'd my way through three college classes all requiring some level of essay writing all in the same 6 weeks. Yet when it comes to crafting a simple letter to explain why Unconditional... was written, what it is and is NOT about, and a few other minor details they need to know before reading it I hit the wall.

How do you explain to your parents that you looked up to another adult as a parental figure but it was not because they had done anything wrong. How do you explain to your parents that they did a good job but you were still lacking something that made you seek the friendship of another adult figure? My parents did their best and handled a difficult child better than most would have. All of their children turned out okay in one way or another. My oldest sister has a masters degree, a teaching job, and 2.5 kids (#3 is due in March). The middle sister has a bachelor degree, a house of her own, and a steady job. I have a 13 year computer career with the degrees and industry certifications to support it, am working on a career change to web design, have a house, and a partner of 11.5 years. I was the difficult, often depressed and suicidal child they had to deal with and I made it. It wasn't easy but it also wasn't their fault I had issues growing up.

--- Maybe that's all I need to say ... Is it enough? Do I need to explain to them why I sought his friendship? That was something they never understood and often asked me about in my youth ... is it time to open that can of worms again?

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Pounding my head against the wall ... I have time, a few weeks at least, guess I'll set it aside and see if I come up with something better than what I've got so far.

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