It's 5:30am ... I'm wide awake thanks to another morning of waking up choking on crap I can't cough out ... Since I'm never awake this early unless I have to be I'm not sure what to do with the unplanned free time, so here I sit writing again. To borrow a phrase from Jack ... It's what I do.
Homework for my almost all theory class is beginning to get a little heavy, but they are just about all essay questions and a piece of cake. I much prefer to write in English than C++ so I think I'll manage just fine. Now that I'm not spending late hours writing and editing (guess I could start using the title now that I have one) "Unconditional..." I guess I could start working on the two web design projects I have lined up. I talked to Mikey last night and he's working on getting me some of the pictures I need to start his HenryJCars re-design and I'm guessing Dennis would like to see a little progress on his The Next Dive site someday. Too bad they're both volunteer work ... but will help build the portfolio to show off my skills and eventually turn into paying customers.
Got in contact with the youth services director with the Triangle Foundation ... maybe he can help me find something to do with my time and 'make a difference' in the world. Been thinking about it for a while, wondered if I was stable enough to do it, after last weekend I definitely got my answer. I also realized that it was time to make it happen, Jen and I will find the time even with work and school obligations. My 'Brian Kinney' philosophy on life of "No Apologies, No Regrets" seems to have a flaw or two. I apologized to Sneller, I needed to for the way things went with us my freshman year of college, and I occasionally regret not sticking with psychology. Working with kids is really what I want to do and though computers was the right thing to do 12 years ago for money and independence reasons, it doesn't allow me to work with kids. Hopefully the web design career change will afford me some much needed free time to volunteer at things like Camping.Out. If nothing else it will at least give Jen and I more time to spend with Tristan, our 'project child' and I can take comfort in knowing we make a difference in his life at least.
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