I got a response from the Journal post.......
I'm sorry. again.
both times. Extremely sorry.
You made it sound like Jennifer didn't want us communicating, and also that you
weren't particularly interested in communicating, so I was just trying to let you know that
I wouldn't be too hurt if you stopped replying. We aren't really a part of each other's lives
right now, and that is probably as it should be. Every time one of us tries to talk to the
other, it gets misconstrued and twisted and we just end up replying in a way that hurts
the other.
I have been hurt here too, you know. You were the first person I ever loved, and the
person who brought out the part of me that isn't straight. I was not mature enough to
appreciate you, but you were the one who left me. You were the one who broke it off
with little to no explanation, and left me very confused and hurt. I cried for a year, and
asked for an explanation for a full 6 months until your girlfriend wrote me a letter telling
me that you two were already dating when you finally broke it off with me. She was even
there at your house that last afternoon when you returned my stuff.
I have recovered (somewhat) from that. However, I have never been able to trust
another lover, and have only now found a relationship that I feel truly comfortable in.
Communicating with you hurts me. I am willing to continue this conversation with you if
it will help you have closure or whatever it is you need, but I would rather leave the past
in the past, and wish you well.
PS I dont understand how ANYTHING in my LJ post could be offensive. Nothing I said
was sarcastic. I was absolutely serious. I do care about you, and I do wish you joy and
comfort. I dont know why you had such a vehement response. If you want to explain,
this is your opportunity. If not, I'll be confused, like I always have when it comes to you.
Then I'll get on with my life."
Need to reply...she broke it off with me
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