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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To those who shall remain nameless …

For the average reader of this blog, this post is something you can skip over and simply return another day to read my latest take on life as a whole. However, there are a special few who I feel the overwhelming urge to address here today. Those little rats scouring the web and this blog for any crumbs I may have left along the way. They know who they are, so if this post seems odd, thank you for stopping by again today but this doesn’t apply to you.

As for the rest ...

Thank you for your continued interest in my life and this blog! It’s nice to know that you value my words so greatly that you feel the need to visit this blog so frequently. While the average reader of this blog visits once a day, or every few days, and only two or three pages per visit, your counts far exceed these figures. In many cases you return 4 and 5 times a day with total daily page views in excess of 10-15 pages! I never realized what power my writing held over you. I do apologize for the lapse in posts on here for your enjoyment but, unlike some of you I am employed, furthering my education, and have a family. These things all take precedence over my writing and, alas many of the posts for this blog have simply gone unfinished and remain unavailable to the general public’s eyes.

Given the particular posts you continue to hit, and their respective category tags, I am quite certain I know what it is you are looking for, and am highly amused that after months with nothing posted on this subject you continue to come here searching for more content. I liken this to the boy who continues to beat his head against the cement wall in hopes of making his headache go away, or the rat who continues to seek out the cheese on the trap though he has already lost his tail and two feet to other traps along the way. After all, if you continue to do things the same way, you will always wind up with the same results!

Since you are here however, I will toss you a piece of that brick of cheese you have been scouring my blog for. Yes, I have received your letter. It is nice to know that the student who couldn’t cut it in law school has found something to do with her time. This one was far more professional than the first and clearly did not come from the uneducated end of the group. Congratulations, you may have learned something from this after all. Let those who have the ability do something while those who haven’t a clue sit back and watch.

Logic would suggest that you will take your crumbs and scurry away into the crevices of the Internet again but rodents always seem to return to a past source of food hoping to find more. It’s in their nature and related to the small brain capacity so, until next time …


  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    HMMMM ... wonder which group of catty back stabbers this is directed at?

  2. Since you are wondering aloud, I shall answer here as well. It is directed at those who lie so often they believe their words to be true and attempt to make themselves seem trustworthy with yet more lies. They play the victim when ever possible and revert to school yard defense tactics by attacking anyone who dare question their words or decisions. They show favoritism to some in situations that call for equality of all concerned, and then defend their positions with, of course, more lies. They are quite simply, the true rodents of society who have peaked in life and have nothing left but their gang identity.

    Thankfully not all involved fit this profile, though most among the "leadership" and their "chosen ones" certainly do.

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM

    found this today in a google search, can totally relate! After readig other entries in this category I am certain I know what group you are talking about and am very glad I didnt get involved after last year pride.
