So April first came, and went, and the world continued. What did we learn? Sadly the answer for 99% of the citizens of this country that answer is NOTHING!
For weeks the news media has been hyping up the latest virus threat set to detonate on, of all days, April fools Day. The detonation day alone should have been a clue for most people, but then we tend to believe whatever the news media tells us. Let the panic begin. Much like the last handful of virus scares that the news media reported for weeks prior to their suspected “detonation” Confickr was a spectacular dud. The virus is real, and it did in fact adjust its code, but the world didn’t end. The Internet didn’t crash, the sky didn’t fall, and corporations world wide continued business as usual in spite of all the media reports telling us all about how these things may not function.
This reminds me of another wide spread media panic about ten years ago. Back then they called it “The Millennium Bug” or “Y2K Bug” and, just like way back then, the business world was aware of the problem months if not years before the media ever got a hold of the story. Coders patched holes and found ways to detect Confickr back in August of 2008, when it first arrived on the scene in its pre-April fools form. This, by the way, was the third generation of the little bug which has been a known detectable virus by all major anti-virus applications for much longer than the media has been hyping the latest version. So why all the hype? Are people really so ignorant of the technology they rely on for daily tasks that they will believe anything the media tells them? Or are they so afraid of the technology that they believe one day it will turn on us and take over the world ala Space Odyssey or iRobot style? Seriously people, if you are that paranoid do us all a favor and cut the phone, cable, and electricity lines connecting your home to the grid. Become a hermit with a bomb shelter.
In other news … Winter quarter ended yesterday, Spring quarter starts today. SIX WEEKS FROM NOW I WILL BE ON SUMMER BREAK!!!!!!!!!
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