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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's Officially Over

So 1/20/2009 has come and Mr. Bush, more affectionately known by me as simply The Shrub, has handed over the keys of the Oval Office to our incoming President. Will it be different now? Will we actually see change in policy and economy? Will the promises made on that campaign trail fall by the wayside now that he has taken office? Or, is President Obama, I like the sound of that, a politician we can actually trust? Now there's something that flies in the face of everything I have encountered in my lifetime. A trustworthy politician . . . can that really happen?

It's been a long eight years of setbacks, oppression, and bigotry toward all walks of life that are not conservative republicans. Our civil liberties have been tossed by the wayside and trampled by those claiming it is in our best interest. Laws have been passed voiding civil rights for some and many of those flew directly in the face of our Constitution. In the name of National Security, laws were broken both against US citizens and internationally in what can only be classified as war crimes. All at the instruction, or lack of interference by The Shrub.

President Bush was nothing more than a mouthpiece for his party. He was a lame duck from the day he took office and his inability to speak in coherent sentences only proves how stupid the American public can be when you appeal to our fear of the unknown. The Shrub won his first election because Al Gore made a mistake and Brother Jedd fixed the election outcome in Florida, we've all figured this out by now. He won re-elections on the backs of all those who perished on 09/11/2001 and in the two wars that followed it. He convinced us that we would suffer another catastrophic attack if we did not elect him. Unfortunately, the majority bought into their fear and we still suffered one catastrophe after another over the last four years.

Our economy is the worst it has been since the Great Depression, our unemployment ranks are growing by double digit numbers each quarter, our stock exchanges have suffered tremendously from the deregulations era of The Shrub and his cronies. And our environment, while no drilling has happened in ANWAR, we are now drilling offshore in places that have been off limits for decades.

It's safe to say that we as a country, are a mess and the damage inflicted on us personally and as a people will take years to repair. I wish President Obama luck in his new role as our Commander and Chief. I hope he is the right man for the job and eventually we can restore our country, and or economy, to its glory days. I hope this a new beginning, a New Deal, a new chapter in our history that will not end with bloodshed and despair. I hope!

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