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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

From the ashes of defeat ...

With the crushing blow in California last week I, much like every gay person I know, was left wondering if we would ever gain legal recognition and equality for OUR relationships, under any name on a national level. I disagree with those in the movement who believe that anything other than something called a marriage is not equal and would be happy to have a nationally recognized Civil Union provided it comes with all those legal benefits gifted to our married straight friends. I was so wrapped up in our defeat for the last week, licking my wounds tucked into the closet with the door half open, that I honestly forgot today was "The Day" in another state. And, it has happened!

Today is "The Day" for gay residents of Connecticut. Today the ruling of their State Supreme Court kicks in, a judge has cleared the way, and they have begun to give out marriage license applications to gay residents, and non residents since they are one step ahead of Massachusetts on that front. It is official, gay Americans can begin the journey to CT for a marriage from any state in the union, and then run home to the states they reside in and have nothing but a nice piece of paper to look at. Unfortunately, this is also the day that CT will appear on the radar screen of those so intent on killing the gay marriage movement in our country. Today is the day that their financial machine will go to work to get a ballot measure before the voters of that state and undo all the fairness their Supreme Court has extended. Sadly, the pessimistic side of me seems to reign these days and I know that the days of legal gay marriage in the states of MA and CT will be numbered in this post CA Prop H8 world, and sadly I don't know that there is much we can do to stop this train of bigotry.
Full Story Here

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