So … the 3 day weekend came and went with much excitement, a few irritating moments, and not much sleep. It seems like it always happens this way when I try to get a relaxing weekend off to hang with the family. It started off on the wrong foot altogether by me leaving work about 15 minutes late and trying to rush home in Friday traffic. I managed to make it home, load up the bike, and be on the road by 6:45 headed north but upon the planned stop for gas we discovered we needed to make an unplanned stop for a minor repair. Thanks to a lose bolt holding the exhaust to the frame of the bike and my tool kit not having the right wrench in it we made a side trip to Jen’s parents house to borrow a wrench. It only took about ten minutes to tighten the bolt and we were once again on our way north only to hit traffic on the expressway. It took over an hour and a half to go 15 miles through Saginaw thanks to a construction detour and by the time we made it halfway to our destination and finished eating dinner, it was already almost 11 PM. Still two hours away from Boyne City, Jen and I decided to find a place to crash for the night and found ourselves a hotel room in Houghton Lake, thanks to Dan not answering his cell phone and me not thinking to grab the key to Mom and Dad’s house just-in-case.
Up with the sun and on the road again by 7:30, we headed north and made it to Heather’s a little after 10 am, roughly 11 hours later than originally planned, and I spent a good half hour answering one questions after another about my new mode of transportation. Maddalynn and Genna were excited that Aunt Shannon and Jen came on a motorcycle; they both think motorcycles are cool and it was all I could do to keep them from climbing all over it while it was still hot from the ride. I promised both a full tour once it cooled down and eventually they agreed and went to play with something else.
Unfortunately, the traffic delay resulting in our late arrival was just the first thing that didn’t go according to plan. When I left Friday night the weather report called for upper 70’s to low 80’s and sunshine. What we got was middle 70’s, wind, and cloud cover. Jen and I did manage to spend some time in the pool with Mom and Maddalynn but nobody else decided they were brave enough to join us so after an hour or so everybody climbed out, dried off, and warmed up. With tired children in need of naps, a late dinner (well after dark) Saturday night, and an uncomfortable night spent on the deflating air mattress (my own fault for not blowing it up enough) the crowd was cranky Sunday and the party broke up immediately after lunch. Some of us headed home, some of us to Mom and Dad’s house for the night, but with the Zellen crew on their way out of town it was quiet once again. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, Zellen’s included, but with three tired girls and two parents who were at their wits end in dealing with them, the peace and quiet was nice for the evening.
Monday also came and went and I never did make it over to see Jack. We spent a little time catching up on the sleep we missed over the weekend, packed up, spent time with Mom, and eventually climbed on the bike to head home a little after noon. I was a bit of a big chicken, felt guilty for leaving Mom, and wanted to get home and back to my daily life. There were just not enough hours left in the long weekend to make time to go hang out with him for a bit. I didn’t even make the planned stop in St. Johns at the dealer to get the bolt for the exhaust replaced. Instead, I turned onto US-10, stopped in Midland for lunch, and then continued on my way south. There was a layover in Mt. Morris to take care of something for Jen’s Mom and Dad and then the final destination of HOME! Weekend over; lose ends tied up around the house, plants watered, and time spent on the couch with Jen. I did manage to send off an e-mail letting Jack know I was still alive, I should have called but by the time I thought of it, it was far too late and I knew he would check his e-mail when he didn’t hear from me Monday.
So now it’s back to work, a nice change from the crazy pace of the 3 day weekend, and one last weekend to finalize plans and begin packing for vacation. I was ready for the relaxing trip before but after last weekend, I am more ready than I thought I could be. I don’t even care if all we do is hang out at the campsite and go nowhere for the first 6 days, I just need a vacation.
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