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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Science might be our enemy in the future

In the early parts of the 20th century, homosexuality was considered a disease that was curable with therapy and other painful treatments including electric shock. Eventually, as more and more people became vocal about their sexual preferences societal views shifted and in 1974 it was officially removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This was a major step forward for the equality movement brewing since the Stonewall riots of 1969 and since then scientific research has delved further into the possible causes of homosexuality in both animals and humans.

You might think it a good thing, something to backup our claims that we are in fact born this way and that being homosexual is not simply a choice. Consider this perspective; if science finds the "trigger" or "cause" for why we are born differently what will that mean for the homosexual population? Finding the "cause" is one small step away from a "cure" for what many in the world believe to be a disease already. Will we once again be placed on the medical lists for curable disorders and diseases? Will we be deemed sick once again and forced to undergo treatment for our conditions?

While this line of thinking may appear paranoid to you, think about this: We have developed ways to cure certain birth defects and abnormalities in utero. We have at the very least, developed ways to test for these birth defects and abnormalities early in pregnancy affording parents the option of aborting the fetus rather than give birth to a deformed child. What is to stop science from doing the same for fetus' they can determine are going to be born homosexual?

At least I am not alone in my fear that one-day science will come to bite us again and homosexuality will return to the list of psychological disorders that are "curable" with proper treatment. Check out this article by William Saletan titled Sexual Reorientation

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