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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Personal Bucket List

Bucket List
/buh-kit luh-ist/
1. a series of items written or printed together in a meaningful grouping or sequence so as to constitute a record of tasks to complete in ones lifetime.
It's a work in progress but so far here's my top 12

1) Make a difference in the life of just one kid
2) Marry Jennifer Legally
3) re-connect with Jack (COMPLETED)
EDIT - Introduce Jack to a new generation of the family
4) Write a book (COMPLETED)
EDIT - Get a book Published
5) Tell Tigger 'Thank You' (COMPLETED)
EDIT - Do it in person, with a hug
6) Take an Alaskan cruise
7) Photograph polar bears in the wild
8) Backpack Isle Royal end to end
9) Go White Water Rafting
10) Drive across the country on a Motorcycle
11) Visit Yellowstone in spring
12) Ski/snowboard in the mountains

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