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Monday, January 07, 2008

And so it begins ... 2008

Ahh a new year has begun and brought with it a new class load. Yippee! I get the pleasure of taking yet another C++ programming class, which I know very little about, for the next 6 weeks. At the same time I am also taking a generic Web Design theory class all about usability design ... BORING! I may learn something from this second class, the jury is still out on that since I'm only 4 days into it so far, but it looks like it will be mostly paper writing for the next 6 weeks in this one.

The editors critique of Unconditional is back with positive results. She liked the story line, found few mistakes, approved of the timeline and length, and believes my agent should have no trouble finding a publisher to purchase the rights to it soon. I'm still working on a few timeline issues I see with it, and may or may not rework the entire timeline to fix an issue Stacey pointed out, as well as improving some of the chapters I feel are the weakest. I have passed it out to a few people who have read it and gotten back to me with mistakes they've found, corrections I should make, and plot improvement ideas. So far it seems about 50/50 on which story line comes through the strongest with almost half reading it as a 'coming out' story and the other half reading it as the story of an unlikely friendship which happens to coincide with a 'coming out' story. I guess that's acceptable but I'm working on ways to make the friendship story line more apparent to those who have missed it, or over looked it while they read the 'coming out' story.

With school back in full swing I don't know how much time I will have to spend writing or working on improving Unconditional but since I'm in the holding pattern of marketing I don't feel too bad about this. It would be nice to tell Jack when he gets back in another month that it's finished and waiting publication but I won't hold my breath. In the mean time I have tucked other projects back into the archives to be worked on some other time. I sent Kellie a copy of The Game in it's current state, raw and unfinished, and also shared it with Jen (I think she's read it by now at least) but it is officially put on hold for further development. It also has Shane as the main character and mentions Kerry Webber so it will eventually end up a sequel/prequel to Unconditional ... it will probably get a face lift of places and names to make it less real life before that happens however. It's another mix of fact and fiction that needs to be made into total fiction before it will be shared with the world.

As a side note: The snow is gone. Mother nature has decided that it needs to be 50+ in Michigan for the next week and the 13" of snow we got shortly after ushering in 2008 has turned to a sloppy pile of dirt, ice, and slush that will eventually melt away to mud. Thank god for a planned trip north in two weeks where they still have plenty of snow and should be making more to recoup their loss in just a few days. They too have lost quite a bit over the past two days but they should be able to make enough snow at night starting tomorrow to recover the melted snow faster than Mother Nature can take it away. It's also suppose to get cold by the end of the week and begin to supply a little natural snow for us once again.

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