Someone please remind me again why I went back to school and what I was thinking trying to take two online programming classes simultaneously. I must have been out of my head thinking I could pull this off without going completely crazy. C++ is a pain class that I can't figure out how I am pulling an A+ in when I haven't a clue what I'm doing with the code. My weekly programs have worked by sheer luck and copying code snippets from the book ... too bad I don't understand any of it nor could I reproduce a working program from scratch. Then there's CGI/PERL ... now this one I am finally beginning to understand, too bad there is only a week and a half left of it and my grade has already suffered for the previous 4 weeks of not understanding it. I'll pass, no issue there, but it will definitely NOT be anywhere in the B+ or higher range. It wouldn't be so bad if C++ and CGI/PERL weren't covering the same concepts but with totally different syntax ... and in programming syntax is EVERYTHING!
Between the high stress level about school and lack of sleep from long nights in front of the computer trying to get the code to just work my sanity is about gone. Add in allergies in full swing thanks to the 70+ degree weather in mid October and the usual work crap and I'm about burned out. I'm looking forward to my next six weeks of only one class that looks to be a bit of a blow off. I don't have the book yet but from what I can tell from the course description it's mostly, if not all, theory with no actually coding ... YEAH! This should give me a chance to start working on the DenDives.Com site for Dennis ... Or I could just spend more time writing and possibly get my 'project' done yet this year.
It'll all be over in a week ...